Friday, September 12, 2008

Total Abandon

Daniel 3:1-30

If you read the whole story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, you will find their trust in God is made through total abandonment. They show that trust is a faith where the end result in life or death is GLORY. Through the fire, Nebucadnezzar could SEE God at work. When he brought them out, he could see what God had singed hair or clothes, no smell of smoke, etc. It is because of God's power that Nebuchadnezzar was "converted" as well as the whole nation.

There is a message here that God's power was shown as Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego demonstrated their willingness to trust God with their lives and defy the king (V.28). There is not enough of that type of total abandon in the lives of Christians today (especially MINE). When that commitment/choice for total abandon is made, the following will occur:
1. God WILL move on your behalf in acts of deliverance.
2. Others WILL see God's power and ability.
3. These signs, wonders, and miracles will convert the hearts of the lost and convict the fellow believers that are not walking in the Light.

I'm beginning to see that God does have the power and ability. V28 stands out as the largest reason in my life that I don't see God's power...I need to trust with my life. Maybe not physically, but all that I have and am. Total Abandon. God has blessed me so far - just because He's adopted me into the family - think of what He could do if I let go of those areas that are holding me down!

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