Thursday, October 23, 2008

God Is Moving

II Corinthians 8:12 (New International)

"For if the willingness is there, the gift is acceptable according to what one has, not according to what he does not have."

"Once the commitment is clear, you do what you can, not what you can't. The heart regulates the hands." (The Message)


God looks at the intent of the heart and matches it up to the action you are taking...within your means. This takes the "legality" out of the responsibility to support the Church and places it directly into grace and obedience. Giving out of pressure or expectation places the heart in the wrong attitude of recognizing that everything belongs to God. (It has to belong to God or "being blessed" means can't be a blessing from God if He doesn't have it to give.) If the Christian gives with a willing heart and is following out of obedience to the leading of the Spirit, the Holy Spirit will not lead him to give what he does not have. Likewise, it makes the responsibility of support the Church equal between all believers. A person that makes $100,000 can easily give 10% while someone that makes $10,000 is under a burden to make the same gift. One gives out of surplus while the other gives out of sacrifice.

Again, the key to giving is the attitude of the's willingness to give back to God what God has blessed me with. If I'm faithful to give with a willing heart, with a true commitment to meet God where I am and then follow that commitment with obedience, God will move tremendously in my behalf.

Man, am I struggling today. I'm so tired of digging out of this hole. I'm so tired of having to work to stay on the right path as my flesh resists with each step. I'm so tired of being that strong shoulder and keeping everyone around me lifted up and encouraged. I don't feel like I'm getting any encouragement at all from anyone but myself.

Thank you, Lord for your Holy Spirit. That as I feel tired and let down, that Your Spirit lifts me back up as I totally surrender to Him. Thank you that my obedience comes from my heart and not from my head or my flesh, but that they are both coming in line with the spirit.

As I keep the willing heart established and do what I can, GOD WILL MOVE.

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