Monday, September 29, 2008

Turn History Around

2 Chronicles 29: 10-11, 36 (The Message)

"I have decided to make a covenant with the God of Israel and turn history around so that God will no longer be angry with us. Children, don't drag your feet in this! God has chosen you to take your place before him to serve in conducting and leading worship—this is your life work; make sure you do it and do it well."

"Hezekiah and the congregation celebrated: God had established a firm foundation for the lives of the people—and so quickly!"


God responds to repentence. I love the fact that Hezekiah used the phrase "turn history around". God responds in such a way under the new testament that history is re-written...eradicating the old as if it never happened. I don't have to move forward and drag the old ways with me. My covenant truly turns history around; it changes history so that I have victory to build upon, not past mistakes. Every step I take in obedience today places me on that path outside of the ditch. I gain sure footing on solid ground. Then the next step is more solid. They build one upon the other. And I'm not doing it alone. God walks with me, encouraging me and loving me for my obedience. By following his voice, he tells me where to place each step, so that it is on a firm foundation and estabilishes my heart all the more.


Do I need this! My history has been one that has been filled with failure, strife, disappointment, disillusionment, pain, hopelessness, and I could go on-and-on. But to know that this is not my history any more is fantastic! Think about how the future is always dictated by the past. Your character and personality is made up of the experiences of the past. So in order for my future to be a reflection of who I am in Christ, my past has to show who I am in Christ. With Hezekiah, a new line had to be drawn in the sand. A point from which a new beginning had to take place. A point where no looking back was allowed.

With my covenant in Christ, when I look back, I see the same reflection backwards as I do forwards. I can't allow myself to see the failures and disappointments, but to see what and who I am now. For the first time, I can understand what it means to be free from the bondages of slavery to sin. I am totally free to walk in obedience. I can truly experience verse 36 and celebrate because the Lord has established a firm foundation for my life - and so quickly!

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