Saturday, March 27, 2010

Celebrate God!

Psalm 32:11 "Rejoice in the LORD and be glad, you righteous; sing, all you who are upright in heart!" The Message translation says to "Celebrate God! Sing together - everyone! All you honest hearts, raise the roof!"

Just reflecting this morning on the goodness of God. The Father loving me enough to sacrifice His only Son. Jesus, making me righteous and worthy to enter into the presence of the Father. The Holy Spirit never giving up on me and completing that work that was begun in me when I received Christ.

If there was ever a reason to celebrate it is all this and more.

The love of the Father is now my characteristic and make-up. I can love and forgive and feel compassion and just plain live with my head held up because He first loved me. All that is in the Father, my creator, is now free to work in me. A concept that is not always easy to remember. It's only in DAILY and MINUTE BY MINUTE fellowship that the realization of just WHOSE I am comes to light in my mind. God is love and He made a way to show that love by coming for ME!

Being righteous and worthy by Christ's blood and sacrifice to enter into the presence of the Father blows me away every time I think about it. It never ceases to work that way in my heart and mind. Coming to the realization of not being lost or alone, not wandering around without a purpose, being able to talk to someone about what is really going on in my heart, having something to put MY FAITH is incredible.

And not staying there. That work that was started when I accepted what Christ did for me is still growing in my life. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, I see each and every day the work of the Cross. What it did for me, what it is doing in me, and how to share that with others. The work I am most responsible for now is to spread the news of what the Cross did for others. That gets easier and easier as I come to the realization of what it did for me. It creates and excitement that can't be quenched or silenced. That's the fire in the bones that that Jeremiah was talking about. Something that so consumes you that the old recognizable person is no long recognizable. When others are changed by being in my presence, then I know I'm Celebrating God!!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Catching up...

ok, so I haven't been on the blog in quite a while (over a year in fact). It hasn't totally been because I've stopped my devotions and growing. It has been a struggle, I'm not going to lie. There have been seasons that I've grown stale. Always keeping my heart soft and working towards obedience, just allowing life to get in the way.

However, the strongest reason I've not been journaling is because I got blocked out of doing it at work and my home computer was down. When it did get repaired, I had cancelled my internet (no reason to keep it if I couldn't use it) and then had to get it all back up and running. That was a couple of months ago and to be honest, I just got out of the habit.

But the Lord has been dealing with me on getting back into my old habits (for lack of a better word) so that I can once again fan the flicker into the flame it was.

It was a hard time when I stopped journaling. We had just lost Elijah and I was dealing with a lot. Not struggling with my faith or with my relationship with the Father. As a matter of fact, that became increadibly strong. But you don't go through something like that without a tearing of the heart.

The Father was faithful to Aaron and Katie though. They were blessed just four months later with a new seed growing inside. Little Asher Michael Russell came into our lives October 30th, 2009. Not to take the place of Elijah, but a true restoring of what was lost by the Father. Our love for him consumes all of us. He is such a joyful little guy.

So now I'm committing to getting back into the swing of journaling my revelations and growths by the Holy Spirit. I'm excited to have the opportunity to once again put all the revelations on paper. It truely helps me make them concrete.

The Lord has been faithful even when I haven't. Time to run to the mercy seat and be healed again!!!

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Acts 16:25, 26 (NIV)
About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them. Suddenly there was such a violent earthquake that the foundations of the prison were shaken. At once all the prison doors flew open, and everybody's chains came loose.

Why me Lord? Where are you now? What's going to happen to me? This isn't fair!

Notice none of these phrases are in the Word? Never does is say that Paul or Silas sat there, drowning in their own pity, despising God, wondering if following Him is worth all this, waiting for the pain to stop. Nope, you won't find those thoughts or words anywhere. What you do find is that after they were stripped, beaten, and then dragged down to the cell and chained, Paul and Silas continued doing what they started before they were accused. Verse 16 says that they were on their way to prayer and continued to preach the word for several days before they cast the demon out that started all this.

True worship is not something we do only when we feel all warm inside because of all the good things He has done for us. Neither is it something that we do when we feel tempted and want deliverance. Nor is it done when we feel a little persecuted or under pressure because we want to push our flesh into acknowledging the great I AM. Worship is done at all these times, but TRUE WORSHIP comes out when you are hurting so badly that you can't move. You're so repulsed by the place you're at that you can't stand to breath. When it comes as easily as your next breath, you've entered into a new realm of being that others recognize you as a worshipper.

The Message translation says that they were singing ROBUSTly. The Amplified translation says they were singing hymns of PRAISE. When I sing robustly or simply sing hymns of praise, I don't do it quietly. If my heart is so full that I'm singing in this fashion, I'm at the top of my lungs. Forceful and loud. Confident and desirous that He hear me. I can imagine no less from this passage regarding Paul and Silas.

What a position to aspire to! To be so full of the Word of be so immersed in His presence know beyond a shadow of doubt about Whose you are that you leave your own shell and step into that place where you and the Lord Jesus and the Father God all commune as one.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not speaking of some "mystical" or "transcendental" experience. I'm talking about a relationship so close that I know when I hurt, He hurts. One that I know that if this experience means my death, that only means I'll physically be in His presence. One where my thoughts are not centered around me, but on His greatness. We touch on that relationship at times. The key is to get to that place and stay there.

Then take a look at what happens when you enter that place. The power of God comes on the scene. Verse 26 says that the prison shook with a violent, great, and huge earthquake. One so powerful that the chains fell off all the prisoners! Wouldn't you think that if an earthquake came along (even a small one), that the walls would have fallen on the prisoners? And of course their legs and hands would still have been bound.

So this was no ordinary earthquake. It was the power and presence of the Almighty coming to rescue those that were putting Him first.

Matthew 6:32, 33 says: "but you know both God and how he works. Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don't worry about missing out. You'll find all your everyday human concerns will be met. " (Msg translation)

Jeremiah 29:13 (my new favorite verse) says: "When you come looking for me, you'll find me. "Yes, when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else, I'll make sure you won't be disappointed." God's Decree. "I'll turn things around for you..."

Can you imagine a better time for this to take place? AS they sought the King, He found them. And He not only found them, He took care of the situation in a way that there was NO doubt that He was the One and True God. Isn't it amazing how He does that time and time again?

But while we may never be in a physical place such as a dungeon, firey furnace, lion's den, etc., we do have our own places of hard times. The thing to come away with from these accounts is that if God is so powerful to move on these extreme times, think of how easily He can move in times I need him. It's all on me to get to the place of worship and obedience that allows Him to act.