Friday, January 23, 2009

Worship ~ Reflected In My Wife

I once heard a minister say that the glory of the husband can be found in the face of his wife. In other words, if he is doing everything he should be doing as a man of God Almighty, then his wife's face will come to life when she looks at him, talks about him, or thinks about him, regardless of who is around her or even if she is alone at the time. You'll see the devotion he has for her in the sparkle of her eyes; the tenderness he shows her in her smile.

There's actually a television commercial that comes to mind that directly demonstrates this thought. A young man is walking down the street and his cell phone rings. His face is basically emotionless until he hears the voice of the person calling ~ and then he breaks out into an infectious smile. You could only imagine that the person he is speaking to has his heart.

I think of the words of that minister when I contemplate what kind of husband I've become. I know when I'm on target when I look into Tracye's eyes and see my love for her returned to me with the softness of her gaze. Likewise, I know that there are problems in Eden when I look at her and see that something I've done or said has brought hurt or if I really listen to what she says in passing conversation and comments. Like when she gets frustrated with herself and rushes because she doesn't want me to lose my Don't get me wrong, I know there are changes in my life as a result of my repentance and obedience in the last year. I know that some of those changes are in the form of patience. I also know that I must have caused some deep hurt for it to still affect Tracye the way it does and that it will take some time for that to heal.


A fruit of the Spirit.

Evidence that I'm living and walking in the Spirit according to Galatians 5:25. The Amplified translates this passage by saying it demonstrates that we are controlled by the Spirit. The Message goes on to say "Since this is the kind of life we have chosen, the life of the Spirit, let us make sure that we do not just hold it as an idea in our heads or a sentiment in our hearts, but work out its (all the fruit of the Spirit) implications in every detail of our lives." By doing just that, working out its implications in every detail of my life, I become more and more a true reflection of the Christ within me. And as I become a mirror image of Christ, my worship for Him becomes more upfront and real.

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