Tuesday, January 13, 2009


2 Kings 5:8-14 (The Message)

8 Elisha the man of God heard what had happened, that the king of Israel was so distressed that he'd ripped his robe to shreds. He sent word to the king, "Why are you so upset, ripping your robe like this? Send him to me so he'll learn that there's a prophet in Israel."
9 So Naaman with his horses and chariots arrived in style and stopped at Elisha's door.
10 Elisha sent out a servant to meet him with this message: "Go to the River Jordan and immerse yourself seven times. Your skin will be healed and you'll be as good as new."
11-12 Naaman lost his temper. He turned on his heel saying, "I thought he'd personally come out and meet me, call on the name of God, wave his hand over the diseased spot, and get rid of the disease. The Damascus rivers, Abana and Pharpar, are cleaner by far than any of the rivers in Israel. WhyItalic not bathe in them? I'd at least get clean." He stomped off, mad as a hornet.
13 But his servants caught up with him and said, "Father, if the prophet had asked you to do something hard and heroic, wouldn't you have done it? So why not this simple 'wash and be clean'?"
14 So he did it. He went down and immersed himself in the Jordan seven times, following the orders of the Holy Man. His skin was healed; it was like the skin of a little baby. He was as good as new.

Isn't is amazing at how simple obedience can appear when pointed out, but how hard it seems when we allow our flesh to be in control? When Naaman first heard of what he needed to do in order to become healed, his flesh was not only the physical problem, but the spiritual one as well. His pride rose up and wouldn't allow him to experience his healing. His ego stepped in and became offended because Elisha didn't come out personally to speak to him. His stomach recoiled because he was disgusted with the water that would bring his healing. His understanding was halted because nothing mystical" was done to cause the disease to go away. His pride was hurt because it didn't even require anything of him that would make others recognize the sacrifice he had to make. He simply had to dip his body in a dirty river.

His servant understood simplicity in obedience. He understood that if you are told to do something by a person in authority, you did it without question. He understood that sometimes those instructions are given second-hand and not directly from the mouth of the man to your ears.

Praise God for that servant! For the boldness he had to stop his master (angry even!) and speak truth to him. We need to be willing to do that more in each others lives. We need to be willing to stop our brothers in their tracks, point out their sin and help them see the truth that will bring deliverance.

The Lord doesn't require us to do anything on our own to bring deliverance because he knows that by our own hand we fall significantly short. But by our simple obedience of following His words, our total deliverance comes immediately.

I pray that I continue to remember that obedience from the heart is not a hard task. The ultimate decision to be obedient gives me the strenght and courage to follow through. And as I follow through, the way is open for the promises of God to take place in my life.

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